An aware YELLOW HUMAN-moment is -
to follow the matter close to your heart against all gossip and rumors.

this day-energy combines
the potential

yellow human

focus on attention
other possible topics:
  • practical experience
  • co-creator-ship
but also:
  • overestimation of mind
with the dynamic

1 – receive!

ONE brings unity and new beginning. This dynamic carries the power of origin in itself and defines: what is my aim?

An aware YELLOW HUMAN-moment is -
to follow the matter close to your heart against all gossip and rumors.

the 1st day
in the actual wave

yellow human

The wave of YELLOW HUMAN supports us in the Flow-Universe to understand and overcome the idea of "Karma". Wisdom, maturity and mastership are trump card in a game that is called black-and-white-thinking. Here we are confronted with tensions and apparent oppositions that can intensify in these days or at least are perceived this way. Often the intellectual handling with this challenge may play ourselves a trick: by valuating and judging people and actions (I can tell people are judgmental just by looking at them...). But also social conventions (like: "I can't just criticize this person openly") limit our options in advance. But if we see the variety of possibilities and then decide for one consciously, we take responsibility for our life.
Deniers suffer in the 8th wave the absence of self-love or stand torn between their own needs and those of others.

“everything that kills me, makes me feel alive” VERSUS “add €368 to the curse word jar”
Your new birth year has following aims:
  • to overcome evaluation and judgment
  • through the strength of attention
  • challenged to be less introverted.
  • Take care: oppressed anger can bear surprising awareness!
  • For the coming 365 days different subjects are offered. This can feel diffuse at the beginning but will clarify over the time. Open your eyes and put out your tentacles! Some might find his/her (new) determination, because in this year you are beginning a new wave of growth that will last for 13 years.

I am
yellow human 1
Who are you?
Find it out now and start living
in the FLOW-Universe from today.
Go on a 260-day-long journey
to a more mindful and conscious life.
tell me more
In the FLOW-Universe
you carry a personal
birth signature
consisting out of
three parts:
— potential
— dynamic
— birth wave
To find out your signature,
just type in your first name
and birthdate:

show birth signature

welcome to the

Here we know you
born in the wave of
- what a
good choice!

dive deeper
= dynamic
= potential
= wave

your potential is
the main component
of your birth signature
and pictures your
central superpower –
either you already fully
embody it or you are
still hiding.
But it’s a fact, that it
is yours.
(sorry, that nobody
told you so far…)

learn more

the second component
of your birth signature
is your dynamic.
It gives your potential
a twist and influences
it into a certain
direction, similar to
the fact that
people differ in their

learn more

last but not least you
are connected to your
individual birth-wave.
This third component
gives information
about the central
issue in your life,
which you would like to achieve.

So, that is who you are
in the FLOW-Universe.

In the FLOW-universe all people are connected through unique partner energies.

The knowledge about this energetic bonds can improve your social life profoundly.
To learn more about this unique partner energy, simply type in the name of two persons and their birthdate:

please enter both names
show partner energy

This is the partner energy connecting
Be more aware of this potential and it's dynamic. Try to approach the people around you from a totally new point of view and feel the difference.

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