Birth energy analysis
You like to get a more detailed explanation of your birth energy? You would know more about your challenge in life and speak get access to your personal wisdom?
Then please contact me for your 1:1 Maya Birth Energy reading. I explain you the details, answer your question and support you to use the daily energy as individual guide throug your life.
Just write me a mail at klaus#AT#flow260#PUNKT#com including your birth date, phone number and 2 timeslots for an 60mins appointment in the next 7 to 14 days.
I love to share you my knowledge about the daily energy in connection with your energy.

Book: Wenn die Sonne mit den Mond tanzt (German)
You want a deep dive in the knowledge about the maya calender mythology. What is the reason for a moon calender? What about the sun? How is the relation between sun and moon. Figure this and a lot of more question out in the german book "Wenn die Sonne mit dem Mond tanzt"
Please book it now here.

Online Diary
access for free
You already like journaling? The flow of two-six-o®-Online Diary brings this experience to a whole new level. Submit to your own personal online diary hand in hand with the daily energies.